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Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.
  • I hereby certify authorship of the manuscript, that any sources or material I have used are appropriately cited and referenced, and that this submission is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.
  • I hereby certify that the manuscript conforms to the author-date (parenthetical) reference system as outlined in the Chicago Manual of Style, also known as Chicago Style, and that my article submission is in accordance with the Author Guidelines available on this website.

Author Guidelines

Starting with volume 2022, this journal will be published in Open Access as part of a Subscribe to Open pilot project. Articles will be published on the basis of the Creative Commons license CC BY 4.0.

Publication is free of charge, no APC fees are applied.

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1. Guidelines for Authors

Schmollers Jahrbuch: Journal of Contextual Economics  is a forum for scholarly research that focusses on economic thought, behavior or processes set in social or physical context. Context is understood broadly as anything shaping or constraining economic thought, behavior or processes and includes such things as the ethical norms, culture, intellectual/scientific heritage or any other anthropological or sociological features of social groups or historical subjects, the legal order and institutions that have shaped and sustained economies and societies, and the physical environment, resources, and ecology upon which everything depends. In keeping with the journal’s original intention, the editors are especially interested in stimulating a discussion between different social science disciplines to shed light on real economic and social problems. Contributions may work in any methodology so long as they embed their analyses in context.

Central themes the journal seeks to explore include:

•  Institutions and institutional change
•  The interaction between economic and social/physical systems
•  Economic ethics and social policy
•  Economic growth, quality of life, and sustainability
•  Long-term human development
•  Methodology/history of economics

2. Style Guide

The style for all contributions to Schmollers Jahrbuch must conform to the author-date (parenthetical) reference system outlined in the Chicago Manual of Style, 16th edition, Chapter 15. This is also outlined in Kate Turabian, A Manual for Writers, 7th edition, Chapters 18-19 and on the Chicago Style website:

English: If you are not a native English speaker, please have your manuscript proofread carefully by one. This is crucial for the quality of both your work and our journal. Even seemingly simple cases of incorrect usage (for example, wrong prepositions) can lead to serious misunderstandings and a general lack of clarity of your manuscript’s main points. Either US or UK English spelling and usage may be deployed, but please be consistent.

a)  First page:

Please include the title of your manuscript on the first page (without the author’s name).

Please also include an abstract (100 words or less) and the JEL Classification Codes.

b)  Headings, Subheadings, and Titles of Tables, and Figures:

All words should be capitalized except “a,” “an,” and, “the,” and prepositions. Capitalize the word following a colon in a title. All headings and subheadings should be aligned flush left.

c)  Punctuation: Commas must follow Latin abbreviations (i.e., e.g., ibid.,) and the word "and" in lists (serial comma). Quotations should be given with double inverted commas (e.g., …he said that “in the long run…”). Quotations within quotations should be identified with singe inverted commas (e.g., He wrote that “ceteris paribus is the ’Ricardian vice’, ” using a term Schumpeter had once used.) Please place commas and periods within quotation marks.
d)  Tables and Figures:  Please indicate where they should appear in the text (e.g., "Table 1 about here").
e)  Spacing: All text in the manuscript must be double-spaced, including extracts in block quotations and footnotes.
f)  Typeface (font type): Please set all text and formulas in Times Roman 12 point font.
g)  Indented quotations (block quotations): Please provide block quotations for any quoted extract running longer than 10 lines. Set such quoted material in a block with a three-space left indentation and in Times Roman 11 point font. Please leave the right margin ragged (do not justify).
h) References:

i. Please follow the Chicago author-date reference system.

ii. Please refrain from using footnotes except to explain or elaborate a specific point in the text. Use such footnotes sparingly and set them in 10 point Times Roman Font. Align all footnote text left leaving the right margins ragged (do not justify). Please double space footnotes. Example:

 1. For a fuller elaboration of this point, see Sen and Nussbaum (1993).

iii. References in the text:

•  Please cite the last name of the author, the date of the publication, and the page number(s) in parentheses. Place a comma after the date of publication only: For example: (Kohlberg and Mertens 1986, 1027).

•  Use semicolons to separate citations in a single parenthetical reference: " driven by pervasive and growing income inequality (Stiglitz 2012; Picketty 2014)."

•  If the cited work has more than three authors: (North et al. 2013, 50).

•  To emphasize within the text, please use italics. Please write names in the standard font, not with any special format: “Pomeranz revealed that the primary constraint was ecological, not cultural or institutional.”

•  All titles of books or journals should also be italicized: “Gustav Schmoller argued in his Grundriss (1900-1904) that…”.  Likewise any non-English word or phrases should be italicized: “Sébastien de Vauban first used the phrase l'organisation du travail in...”.

•  Do not give references to pages within the manuscript text itself.

i)  Reference list:

 i. On a separate page at the end of the manuscript, please list all the works cited (references) on a page entitled “REFERENCES” organized alphabetically according to the last name of the author. Publications from the same author should be listed in order of publication date, the most recent listed last. Each entry should be single spaced. In references to publications by the same author following the first reference on the list, please substitute a three-em dash (———) for the author’s name. Be sure to indent all text after the first line of your listed reference three spaces in order for the author’s last name to stand out (flush-and-hang style).

For example:


 Bates, Robert H. 2001. Prosperity and Violence: The Political Economy of Development. New York: Norton.
———. 2008. When Things Fell Apart: State Failure in Late-Century Africa. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.


ii. References to works by the same author in the same year will be listed by year and lowercase letter, alphabetically by title.

For example:


Atkinson, A.B. 2010a. Analysing and Measuring Social inclusion in a Global Context. New York: United Nations.
———. 2010b. Top Incomes: A Global Perspective. Oxford and New York: Oxford University Press.


iii. Format: Last name, first and middle name (or initials), publication date, title and, in addition for

•    Books: place of publication, and publisher.

Single author:

Keynes, John Maynard. 1936. The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money. London: Macmillan.

Multiple author:

North, Douglas. C., John Joseph Wallis, and Barry R. Weingast. 2009. Violence and Social Orders: A Conceptual Framework for Interpreting Recorded Human History. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.

•    Journal articles: journal title, volume number, issue number (in parentheses), colon, first page - last page:

Coase, R. H. 1972. “Durability and Monopoly.” Journal of Law and Economics 15 (1): 143-49.

•    Collections of articles in a book: title of the collection of articles, volume number, the editor’s first and last name, first page- last page, place of publication, and publisher:

Radner, Roy. 1982. “Equilibrium under Uncertainty.” In Handbook of Mathematical Economics, Vol. 2, edited by Kenneth J. Arrow and Michael D. Intriligator, 924-1006. Amsterdam, New York and Oxford: Elsevier.


•   Journal articles or working papers accessed from websites or online journals: s above, but including the accession date and URL or (in the case of online journals) the DOI (Digital Object Identifier). Example:


Werning, Iván. 2009. “Nonlinear Capital Taxation.” Accessed October 31, 2010.

Online journal:

Kossinets, Gueorgi, and Duncan J. Watts. 2009. “Origins of Homophily in an Evolving Social Network.” American Journal of Sociology 115: 405–50. Accessed February 28, 2010. doi: 10.1086/599247.

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