The publishing house Duncker & Humblot currently publishes about 300 scientific monographs or anthologies per year in more than 250 series as well as 25 scientific journals and yearbooks. The program includes more than 17,000 available titles as well as over 12,500 e-books of high-quality academic research and scholarly publications on the subject areas: Law and Political Science, Economics and Social Sciences, History, Political Science, Literature, Philosophy.

Publisher: Dr. Florian R. Simon (LL.M.)


  • Hegel-Jahrbuch

    The »Hegel-Jahrbuch« is the yearbook of the International Hegel Society, which was founded in 1953 by Wilhelm Raimund Beyer (1902–1990) in Nuremberg. It has been published since 1961 and was edited by W. R. Beyer until 1984, since then by the respective acting board of the Society. It documents the contributions of the International Hegel Congresses.

  • German Journal of Risk and Insurance

    The German Journal of Risk and Insurance aims to promote interdisciplinary discourse among the disciplines dealing with insurance science issues. Accordingly, it contains contributions on insurance economics, mathematics, law and medicine. The journal has been published since 1901 and is thus one of the oldest insurance science journals in the world.

  • Applied Economics Quarterly

    Welcome to the online submission and editorial system for Applied Economics Quarterly.

    Applied Economics Quarterly is an international journal publishing applied research with strong relevance for economic policy. Contributions to all areas of economics are invited; in particular, macroeconomics and monetary policy, international economics, economic growth, finance, trade, and labor economics. The journal's goal is to improve economic policy-making by providing a forum for innovative and rigorous research. The journal is particularly interested in publishing work on European policy issues. The journal will also occasionally publish symposia and special articles that cover topical policy-relevant issues in contemporary economics.

  • Credit and Capital Markets – Kredit und Kapital

    Credit and Capital Markets is a scientific periodical based on the principle of double-blind review. It publishes analytical and empirical studies in the fields mentioned hereafter: stability and growth processes in national and international markets, monetary and foreign-exchange theory and policy, financial market theory, bank management and banking regulation policy.

    Since its establishment in 1968, Credit and Capital Markets has presented approximately 1000 contributions, among them articles which lead the way and are respected internationally in research and teaching, in theory and policy.

    Starting with volume 2022, this journal will be published in Open Access as part of a Subscribe to Open pilot project.

  • Journal of Contextual Economics – Schmollers Jahrbuch

    Economics is social science. This central idea guiding Schmollers Jahrbuch since its founding in 1871 has lost none of its relevance. Ever more scholars have discovered that an »isolating« economics that removes economic processes from their social, historical, ethical, and ecological contexts in the interest of applying certain formal methods runs the danger of missing important aspects of economic reality. In philosophy, the humanities, and the social sciences, contextualism has grown in importance over the last several years, a core postulate of which is that a fuller understanding of human thought and action requires a grasp of the context in which they are embedded. In line with its original intention, the main objective of Schmollers Jahrbuch is to offer such newer research a forum in which economic life is set in relation to its social and physical environment. Institutional approaches appear to be particularly relevant to this purpose, nevertheless quantitative and qualitative methods are equally welcome. We also wish to solicit contributions that devote themselves to questions of long-term human development and societal change, including from the perspective of economic history and the history of economic thought. Considering social and normative questions is an important thematic focus in the long tradition of this journal.

    Starting with volume 2022, this journal will be published in Open Access as part of a Subscribe to Open pilot project.

  • ZfKE - Zeitschrift für KMU und Entrepreneurship

    The ZfKE is the leading scientific magazine on the topics of SME and entrepreneurship in the German language; it was published for the first time in 1952. It appears for time a year and includes the categories of “Regular Scientific Articles,” “State-of-the-Art Articles” and “Entrepreneurship Compact.” All articles are also available online. The focus is on articles related to the topics of small- and medium-sized enterprises, entrepreneurship and family businesses. The published articles must meet high scientific standards and simultaneously be relevant to the practice. Within this context, the ZfKE places its main emphasis on topics of business administration but also includes relevant articles from related subject areas. It accepts both empirical and theoretic conceptual articles.

    CALL FOR PAPERS: „Transformation und Sustainability Management“ (Deadline: 2023-09-30)

    CALL FOR PAPERS: „Cultural and Creative Entrepreneurship“ (Deadline: 2023-06-30)

    Please note: the ZfKE accepts submissions in German only.