About the Journal
The »Yearbook for the Philosophy of Complex Systems« is dedicated to the scientific, systematic and philosophical exploration of complexity as a core concept of our time, both from a socio-political as well as a scientific point of view The primary objective is to foster a comprehensive disciplinary engagement with complex systems within the domain of philosophical reflection. This endeavior involves examining non-linear dynamical processes and systems far from equilibrium through mathematical and physical approaches, investigating questions of organization and emergent behaviour from systemic-cybernetic perspectives, and exploring the application of the concept of »complexity« across various fields of study.
The Yearbook seeks to serve as a platform for interdisciplinary research in its broadest scope, emphasizing studies and approaches related to complexity and complex systems. It aims to bring together work conducted through diverse languages, methods, and conceptual frameworks, while maintaining a philosophical focus on the foundational aspects of knowledge. By means of historical (history of science and culture), theoretical (i.e. epistemology and theory of science) and media studies, an attempt will be made to implement and harmonise the concept and forms of complexity within the framework of current conceptual constellations and debates in philosophy, science, culture, society and their combinations.